Lindsey Graham

Air Force Officer

Lindsey Graham
Air Force Officer
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Col. Lindsey Graham has served in the Air Force for a total of 26 years. He spent six years in the active duty Air Force, six years in the South Carolina Air National Guard and the United States Air Force Reserve for the last 14 years. He can retire in 4 years.

Class 'A' Colonels (Source: BartECop)
Colonels Buyer and Graham
Army Col (Medical Service Corps & JAG) Steve Buyer and Air Force Col (JAG) Lindsey Graham

Col. (Congressman) Steve Buyer volunteered to deploy to Iraq in March 2003 after the commencement of the conflict. He cited the importance of having a lawyer on sote but was turned down by Army officials because if his "high profile."
First Thing We Do--Keep Out the Lawyers. Then Isolate the Soldiers.

Col. (Senator) Lindsey Graham has been to Iraq twice as a part of Congressional delegations.

Lindsey Olin Graham, Col., USAFR
Col. Lindsey Olin Graham
Graham pulls legal duty at Charleston AFB after being called up in April 1993.

Reservist Graham pulls legal duty at Charleston base (Source of photo)
Charleston Post and Courier

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, the only U.S. senator in the Reserves, donned combat fatigues and spent Thursday working in the legal office at Charleston Air Force Base.
"I've got to do some Reserve duty, and I asked 'Where can I help?' " said the South Carolina Republican, a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserve.

New Order in the Court
The Honorable Judge Lindsey Olin Graham
Newly sworn Judge Lt. Col. Lindsey Olin Graham (USAFR) dons black judicial robe for the first time.

BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE, D.C. -- Col. James Van Orsdol (right) helps Lt. Col. Lindsey Graham don a judge's robe in a courtroom here Nov. 4, after Graham was sworn in as a new judge for the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals. Graham, an Air Force reservist, is a U.S. senator from South Carolina in civilian life. Van Orsdol is a former chief judge for the court. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Amber K. Whittington) (Source of text and photo Air Force News Service)

Source: U.S. Air Force Reserve

Go above and beyond while you discover your talents 
in the Air Force Reserve

Conservatism with out a conscience is an ideology without a purpose, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham.